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Talk with Todd and our Team to get started on your personalized plan to start playing better golf!
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If you’ve followed all the “best” golf tips to the letter and you’re still slicing it, struggling to make solid contact, and leaving the golf course frustrated, there’s a reason. And it has nothing to do with you. How is that possible?
Traditional golf instruction is designed for top level players, tour professionals who are world class athletes and spend hours a day practicing. It’s not designed for the average golfer like you who has a career, a family, and a life away from the golf course.
“I shot a 79 today! My age—hit a great 5 wood draw for a 187 yard eagle! It was awesome! I hit 13 fairways, 30 putts, and got down in three 13 times. Will bring the card for my one-on-one lesson in May!”
Walt C
Current Student
"Our last couple of video lessons have really helped us achieved some breakthrough progress (ie Flattening left wrist in takeaway & up at top of swing so logo faces up; and the changes with my left foot where I emphasize the weight on inside of left foot going back) so thanks so much!"
Jack S
Current Student